New Words 2012

There's a Poem in my Soup

Soup served with poetry from two popular books sold in aid of MacMillan Cancer Relief


Saturday 1 September 2012
12 noon – 1.30pm


Highlander Bunkhouse, Huntly [Map]

Admission £1.50, includes soup and bread

There's a Poem in my Soup

Savour a cup of soup, supplied by Huntly Larder, and some tasty bread from Crannach Bakery while listening to poets reading from There's a Poem in my Soup and There's a Bairn in my Broth, two books of poetry and soup recipes, which are published in aid of MacMillan Cancer Relief.

Promoted by

Huntly Hairst Food and Farming Festival

Supported by

Gordon Arms Hotel
Huntly Larder
Books and Beans
North East Writers

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